File Transfer Guidelines

File Transfer

How should I name my files?

Your filename format is determined by our Prepress Department and is provided to you via email prior to commencement.

In order to successfully upload files to our FTP Server your files must be named as follows:

Files must be named according to the protocol for our automated imposition placement to work otherwise your files might

not upload to the server successfully and you will recieve a ‘Permission Denied’ message.

Please upload ONLY single page files to the FTP server. These must only contain individual pages (i.e. no spreads).

Your filename format is generally comprised of:

  1. The JobID (might contain your FTP Username as the prefix or coincide with it)
  2. The Job Short-Name a.k.a Publication Identifier  (if required)
  3. The Issue's Publication Date in the following numeric format
  • yyyymmdd   The year, month and day (for daily publications)
  • yyyymm       The year and month (for monthly publications)
  • yyyy              The year (for yearly publications)
  1. Part Identifier for publications that contains multiple page ones (ex. COVERBODYINSERTONSERT) (if required)
  2. The Page Identifier latin character ‘p
  3. Followed by the Page Number in 3-digit format (example ‘123’)
  4. Ensure the filename's extension is ‘.pdf

If further clarification is required do not hesitate to call the Prepress Department on (02) 9549 1186 or alternatively send them an email at

How do I submit my files to you using FTP?

Files may be submitted via FTP. The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard network protocol used to transfer computer files between a client and server on a computer network.

FTP software such as FileZilla speeds up your file transferring process and provides you with detailed information on the progress of the uploading procedure. You may obtain FileZilla for free from the following address:

An FTP username and password is required to connect to our FTP servers and will be provided to you by the Spotpress Prepress Department.

The suggested settings for Filezilla are:

Port: 21
Encryption Use explicit FTP over TLS if available
Logon Type: Normal
User: (The username provided to you)
Password: (The password provided to you)
How do I submit my files to you using my internet browser over HTTPS?

Files may be submitted using your internet browser by visiting the following address:

This website acts as an FTP client and will connect you to our FTP server. An FTP username and password are still required

to connect to our FTP servers via the browser and will be provided to you by the Spotpress Prepress Department.

Using this method eliminates the need to install dedicated FTP software onto your computer but lacks the ability to view detailed 

information like file transfer speeds that a high-end user might require.

What if I have special instructions or questions?

While filling out the required information in the Quotation Request Form, you will be able to enter notes about your project under the notes section. You can contact us directly in case of any queries. Our Sales Representatives on (02) 9549 1156 are always ready to answer your questions and accommodate your needs.

Can you assist with my speciality stock requirements?

Yes, but please be aware that stock specifications outside our normal paper inventory will require us to make a special order to the paper mill for your job. This may slow down your project.